Saturday, May 24, 2014

Five for Fraturday

It has been a busy time here in my world. Can't exactly say it has all been blissful, but some of it was. (Here are the highlights. It must be crazy as I forgot to publish this yesterday. Oops!)

We planted flowers as a service learning project. Our fifth graders have been doing this for more than ten years. The town purchases the dirt and plugs (seedling) and we grow them in our Life Lab, then transplant them after the threat of frost has passed. It was very chilly morning, but no frost since then.

My son and his girl friend came home for a friend's wedding. Although I knew he wasn't planning on moving back to Michigan anytime soon, I was surprised when he share this picture with me. It is the house they are buying. Guess this means he definitely won't be coming home. :( 

I had my final Formal Review on Monday. My lesson was thrown together late Sunday after my son and his girlfriend left. One of my best lessons yet! I used ideas from Genius Hour. I started with this Kid President video. Adore him! The Principal loved the lesson and so did the students. Can't wait to see their final projects.

This was my youngest at age one. Yesterday was her last day of school. She graduates next week. It marks the end of an era. I have had a child in that school system for 23 years. She begins her journey to become a nurse in the fall.

My students have been building simple machines in science. This student's machine is this student's "Dream Machine" as he desperately wants a tricycle to improve his mobility. We are having a hat day to help with the matching funds requirement.

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